Thursday, May 14, 2009


I really enjoyed my time spent in and on children's literature. I liked the flexibility and laid-back nature of discussion. I even liked being forced to read so many books. What was hard was once again getting around to the blogging. I read more than enough books but I didn't always get around to blogging and it kind of piled up on me. That's my fault. I just found it really draining to sit down and get my thoughts out on paper...erm, screen? It wasn't too bad though. I actually got so excited about some books that I shared them with my family and roommates, who couldn't care less mind you. It's nice to feel like something of an expert on the subject and possibly to be able to contribute more than an 'I liked/disliked it' for discussion. If I could do it over, I would definitely stay on top of my blogs. I would also try to look for more books out of my comfort zone. Historical fiction or non-fiction. I'd probably also read longer books. It was hard fitting them in to everything else. However, I have a whole summer to explore the corners left untouched by this course. I look forward to the lazy afternoons.

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