Tuesday, March 10, 2009

passing afternoons

I really like how laid-back and flexible the ongoing assignment for this class is. I have to admit, it kinda fun to blog with semi-anonymity. And it's really interesting to see the personalities in our class that we wouldn't see otherwise. The blogs are a rare window. My only issue with the set-up is that it sometimes adds a laborious edge to my reading which can ruin it sometimes. I feel like I'm reading just to have something to say sometimes. Like, I start a book with the intention of finding something to focus on for the blog and then I kind of don't really enjoy it as much. Sometimes I read books and really have nothing to say about them but I know I have to post something and that bothers me because then I think I'll end up saying a whole lot of nothing. Which is kind of a waste of time. To be honest, I'm pretty behind and it's totally my fault. I've read pretty much every book I need for the blog, I just haven't been able to force myself to sit down and reflect on them. I really do like reading the books though. I've found inspiration in so many places for which books to read next and find myself making notes and writing down titles and authors in the most random of places. I like how I'm being forced to consider a bunch of different things at once when reading a children's book but how the most important part is still how it makes me feel. It's not a bad way to pass an afternoon.

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