Friday, March 20, 2009

you can't get lost in your own woods

Holly Hobbie's Top of the World was a little trippy. Like, Puddle's best friend Toot goes for a walk one day and just doesn't come back. Puddle tries to keep himself busy and wait for his friend's return but eventually gets so worried that he has to leave their bird friend Tulip and go looking for Toot. So he starts walking. His search takes him through the woods, on a train car (Toot loves trains), on a bus, and eventually leads him to an airport. All the while Puddles is trying to think like his best friend Toot. While walking in the airport he sees a sign for Provence and thinks to himself now that was one place Toot had never been and so he hops a plane! Now, at this point I was thinking, that's the worst plan ever! There's no way Toot will be there and Puddle will have to keep looking. But wouldn't you know it? Puddle has only sulked a little while in Provence when who should come screaming but Toot! And together the friends, after calling Tulip who must be worried sick by now, go to Nepal and climb a mountain. I say this book was trippy though because when Puddle asks Toot what happened and why he left, Toot pretty much responds with "you know how it is when you start walking..." What? You end up on the other side of the world apparently. And at this point in his journey, Puddle totally understands because that's how he found his friend. I think there's a message there. Something about walking outside of your world, maybe (because, after all, "you can't get lost in your own woods"). I don't know but the book was really simple but while stirring something in the reader. The mountain and traveling illustrations were beautiful as well.

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